
26 Game Reviews

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I walked straight out of the cockpit and into space. 10/10

Constantly Crashes. Unplayable.
Neat concept though.

Been sitting here for a decent amount of time, the game wont load past 86%. Over ten minutes. Ive tried reloading a few times but the game always stops loading at 86% IF it even gets that far. I have a great computer, fast internet, and this is a flash game. Fix it.

Fun little game. 12 days.

"You killed 58901 enemies until you were hit by a fireball.
People will remember you as Goku."

I am Asian Gohan the very angry beach babe. My destiny is to punch out 420Chan.

Had potential, but there are no real upgrades, just new arms, and the fighting consists of rock paper scissors with stats and has little to no strategy involved. Very simple and uninteresting.
The upgrades extend to you KO a robot, you get their arm. The combat is simple and random and can usually be won by selecting on kind of punch for the duration of the fight. The only variation from fight to fight is which punch to choose. Had potential but was way to simple to hold my attention.

DarkTimmy responds:

Yeah - agree on all points. I was pretty hyped about the game when I made it. I think, like you, it has some potential that never really gets realized. Ah well, I did learn a lot from it and it was a fun go round to make. Thanks for playing and taking a moment to comment! I do appreciate it. Best, -Tim

This is a fun and interesting game. I enjoy the gliding and boost mechanic vary much.
Anyone who can't get over the fact it has religious references needs to grow up and get over them selves.

I'm getting tired of all these stock zombie quizzes.
The atmosphere is OK and the music isn't annoying but this is another zombie quiz that just doesn't bring anything new to the table.
This, like many, many others, is based of the Zombie Survival Guide, and like the guide, flawed.
Games like this are scored based off how interesting they are and their (At least the ones that actually try) accuracy; as the only thing you do is answer questions. This being based of the guide will be inherently flawed because the guide, being a good source of starting materiel to learn what to do in a zombie apocalypse, is still very misleading and very inaccurate. The information LOOKS good, but for the people that have done many of the things in the book, can tell it was written by a guy who doesn't get out much. So, no matter what the answers to the questions were, this quiz is another flawed, inaccurate, misleading quiz copy of the guide just like 90% of all the other quizzes out there.
Besides all that, like I stated before, doesn't bring anything new to the table. You see a quote and a synopsis at the beginning and then you answer questions. Simple straight forward questions. The reaction time test was a nice touch, but one thing doesn't make up for the rest of the quiz, in addition from the other comments it sounds like there is an issue with it. It should be a small part of your grade as in a zombie apocalypse your survival will depend on your ability to think and react, not twitch.
All in all, it was a good quiz, but presenting nothing new or original. It could have used more questions and more facets in general. It was a good try and was very clean and organized, just needs less stock.
I got 83% on the first try.

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