
35 Movie Reviews

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I love this new recycling movement that's happening.

5/5. If there was more, I'd watch it.
Voice acting and music where pretty spot on, animation was pretty good too.

Can't say I agree with the similarities issue people are having. Especially when you combine more then two other concepts for the purpose of 'well it was too much like these'. As you could do that with literally any idea near endlessly, and the more things you add into the mix, the less like those things the idea becomes.
Anyway, keep up the good work!

Very crisp, great polish for something so simple. 5/5.

Had this very happen to me. Both my gf and I flipped the guy off so he promptly proceeded to follow us to our parking spot and block us in. I don't think the guy expected a big and tall dude to practically jump out of the car with a 'You got a fucking problem'?.
He tried to claim he just wanted an explanation. To which I said you honked at us, he replied she wasn't going. I said "It had JUST turned green!"

He rolled up his window and drove off without another word.

I think this is what being violated feels like.

This is aggravatingly accurate. Love it.

I know you paraphrased, but you missed some. Like. The whole thing.
I feel like this is more of an attempt to gain some fame from someone elses work as oppsed to an actual joke. As for the work put into this, humor, creativity and voice; zeros stars.

Horsenwelles responds:

boy you sure dont say that about every game grumps animation ever though

Great art style, fluidity, voice acting and story so far. It seems very well put together.
Although, Dick Bender? Is that really his name or did I hear wrong?

Jess-The-Dragoon responds:

You heard it wrong.

This is one of the best animations I've ever seen. Ever.

Wow. I was not expecting that. The animation was fantastic and had a really interesting atmosphere as well as really nice visuals and story. The fact that it clearly has religous overtones to say the least should not matter to any mature and civilized human being. The animation was great and that's all that should matter, the fact that it had a religious message shouldn't even be taken into account when voting in my opinion. Though because it does, I doubt it will have fair voting equal to the time and effort this took.
It was an amazing flash, and I hope to see more from you.

I Am Me.

Age 32, Male

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